'Lawsuit Procedure, Discovery and Motions'
Case Law (Video)
Who says that judge's can't make law?
Notice of Hearing (Video)
It’s not about realizing that someone can hear you, it’s telling your oppon...
Kozel Hearing (Video)
You shouldn't be punished for the sins of your lawyer.
Preparing to Testify (Video)
The witness stand's ready for you. Are you ready?
Recusal of a Judge (Video)
There goes the Judge!
Oral Arguments (Video)
It's not just what family holiday dinners are filled with.
Automatic Stay (Video)
It's what keeps creditors at bay.
Motions for Sanctions (Video)
Think your opponent can violate the rules and get away with it? Think ag...
Taking a Deposition (Video)
Think the question-asker is the one who has it easy? Think again.
Interrogatories (Video)
Not every question in a case is asked on the witness stand
Requests for Production (Video)
How to get what your case needs from the opposing side
Requests for Admission (Video)
Statements (the non-fashion kind) that are admitted or denied
Discovery (Video)
Your opportunity to game plan for the case ahead